University of Garmian
University Magazine

University Magazine


About Journal

The Journal of University of Garmian (JGU) is a peer-review, multi-disciplinary and multi-lingual journal. The aim of publishing the articles in this journal is to distribute the knowledge in the field of languages and humanities.

The scope of the journal in each discipline is determined by the editorial staff. Furthermore, the journal publishes manus in three languages including English, Kurdish and Arabic.

The manuscripts are evaluated according to the following standards:

Novelty of the data results or major contribution of the author (s) to the related scientific field.

Academic and coherent writing of all sections including titles, keywords, abstracts, introductions, materials, methods, results, discussions, conclusions, recommendations and references

Anonymously peer-reviewing by at least two referees. ( double blind double blind peer review)

Ethical approval of the research study.

Announcement of the lack of the authors’ conflicts in the research.

Declaration of the funding sources.


License policy

The JGU is an open access online journal that everyone can view the information supplied in the articles. The authors have the right to limit their information provided it does not affect the ethics and whole story of the article. The permitted information can be cited for scientific reasons except otherwise mentioned, for example some copy rights materials, patents or intellectual properties are restricted to be distributed

De of any articles in personal websites or any institutional repositories must include the URL or DOI of the articles links available in the JGU website.


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